A River Runs Through It, a Bibliography
A very special thank you to the following people who have assisted in providing information to this bibliography: Robert Williams, Allen Fitchen, and Duke Hill, of the University of Chicago Press; Penny Kaiserlain at the University of Chicago; Barry Moser and Cara Moser of Pennyroyal Press.
All written material � 2012, Fireside Angler�
589 Veterans Memorial Hwy Smithtown NY 11787-4309
(631) 360-3636 [email protected]
Permission for use and limited reproduction rights granted to the Montana Historical Society, Montana State Library, & MLN Members
The American Hardcover Editions
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, 'The Blue Book' The University of Chicago Press. Written by Norman Maclean and wonderfully illustrated by Robert Williams, who did the illustrations based on pictures provided by Norman Maclean.
i Title page
iii Title author and publisher page
iv copyright page
v dedication page
vii contents
ix-xiv acknowledgments
pages ii, vi, and viii are blank
A River Runs Through It, pages 1-104
Logging and Your Pal Jim, pgs 105-123
page 124 is blank
USFS 1919: The Ranger, the Cook, and a Hole in the Sky, pgs 125-217
page 218 is blank
The 11 black on white illustrations for this edition were done in scratchboard, and are located on the dust jacket front cover, and on pages 1, 62, 86, 97, 105, 116, 125, 129, 166, & 215.
Typography and paper:
The 1976 editions were printed by North Central Printing of St. Paul, Minnesota with Warren�s Olde Style watermarked paper 20 lb., sheet fed, offset printed, with a text font of Baskerville, and a display font of Bulmer. Seven gatherings: 1-6 of 16 leaves, the 7th of 20 leaves. The endpapers are light tan color. The book weight averages 418 gr., without the dust jacket. H=8 13/16�, W=5 ��, D=3/4�.
Binding method: Smythe sewn for the early printings. The book has blue and white headbands in all printings. The cover is of woven light blue cloth and has the following: �Norman Maclean / A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT / Chicago� embossed in silver on the spine of the book.
Dust jacket:
Teal blue background on white paper. Front: White lettering on top NORMAN MACLEAN, the illustration in center in black ink and on the bottom, A / RIVER RUNS / THROUGH / IT / and Other Stories Back: A black and white picture of Norman Maclean. Bottom: THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS.
The dust jackets were printed by Micro Printers in Chicago Illinois. The first edition dust jacket average weight is 16.5 gr. The first edition is marked $7.95 on the top inside front flap.
The First Edition Copyright page:
NORMAN MACLEAN was William Rainey Harper Professor of English
at the university of Chicago until his retirement in 1973
The author and publisher wish to thank R.Williams for
the book illustrations. Thanks are due as well to region
One of the United States Forest Service, and to the Montana
Fish and Game Commission, for providing photographs on
which some of the illustrations are based
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637
The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London
�1976 by the University of Chicago
All Rights Reserved. Published 1976
Printed in the United States of America/
blank line
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Maclean, Norman F
A river runs through it and other stories.
Contents: A river runs through it--Logging and Pimp-
ing and �Your pal, Jim�--USFS 1919.
1. Title
PZ4.M16345Ri [PS3563.A317993] 823.9�12 75-20895
ISBN 0-226-5005-1
Published printing quantity numbers commonly erroneously reported for the first edition are 1155 or 1577 copies.
Copyright in 1975 Published in April, 1976, xiv, 217 pgs 23cm $7.95 ISBN 0-226-5005-1. Quantity: 5000 printed. First State: 3000 copies bound and cased, Second State 2000 copies were bound and cased after the first 3000 were sold. No differences between the first and second state are known at this time. A typographical error exists in book on page 27 line 15. 'adways' was corrected to 'always' in the third and subsequent printings.
LC Control Number: 75020895
Second printing:
The second printing of the dust jacket is marked $7.95 in the same location and the notation �second printing� on the bottom inside front flap of the dust jacket. The dust jacket weight decreases to an average of 14 gr. Book weight and dimensions are identical to the first printing. On the copyright page there are the numbers: �80 79 78 77 76 98765432� between �Printed in the United States of America� and the next line �Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data�. ISBN corrected on copyright page: ISBN 0-226-50055-1
Publication: 1976. Price: $7.95. Quantity: 5,000 copies
Third Printing:
In the 1977 3 rd printing, the paper was changed to 18 lb. paper and is no longer watermarked. The average book weight is therefore reduced to 390 gr. H=8 13/16� W=5 �� D=11/16� The typographical error has been corrected from this printing going forward. On the dust jacket, the notation third printing has been placed immediately below the $7.95 price on the top of the inside front flap of the dust jacket. Dust jacket weight averages 14 gr.
Dust jacket weight would be a telling factor to determine if a third edition price clipped DJ was placed on a first edition of the book.
On the copyright page there are the numbers: �80 79 78 9876543� between �Printed in the United States of America� and the next line �Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data�
Publication: 1977. Price: $7.95. Quantity: 5,000 copies
The 4th printing is similar to the 3rd. 2,500 copies
Subsequent printings:
In later printings the book cover changed color to dark blue cloth boards and white end papers, was printed by a web press, and the size was a slight bit smaller, H=8 11/16� W=5 23/32� D=11/16�, and in recent printings, the cloth boards went to a slightly glossier darker blue color. Weight remains unchanged from the 3rd edition. Subsequent editions put the barcode, ISBN, & pricing on the dust jacket back cover with minor variations on this location. The picture of Norman Maclean on the back was exposed for a longer period of time, resulting in a better picture with more detail. Dust jacket weight averages 16 gr. Average print run 2,500 copies each.
Printing # and Year:
1 - 1976 11 - 1984 21 - 1993
2 - 1976 12 - 198? 22 - 1997
3 - 1977 13 - 1985 23 - 199?
4 - 1978 14 - 1986 24 - 199?
5 - 197? 15 - 1988
6 - 1979 16 - 1989
7 - 1981 17 - 1990
8 - 198? 18 - 1991
9 - 1983 19 - 1992
10 - 1983 20 - 1992
First printing identification:
Dust Jacket: Teal Blue with $7.95 marked on the inside top front flap. Price clipped dust jackets should not weigh less than 15.75 gr.
Copyright page: On the copyright page there is nothing in the blank line between �Printed in the United States of America� and the next line �Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data� Incorrect ISBN 0-226-5005-1. Typographical error on page 27 line 15. 'adways'.
The dust jackets fade with exposure to UV light, and often suffer chips and minor tears. The first edition dust jacket, even though printed on heavier stock than subsequent printings, seems to be fragile for it�s age. The ISBN number on the bottom of the rear flap in early printings has always been correct.
Relative scarcity and autographed copies:
The relative scarcity of this book is primarily due to book low quantity printed, and popularity. The book is the source of two movies: A River Runs Through It, & The Ranger the Cook and a Hole in the Sky. Also collected by collectors in the genres of: Fly Fishing, Montana, & Modern Firsts.
Uncorrected Galley Page Proofs: 25 copies were made, bound in blue wraps. Most were distributed to the larger book wholesalers and distributors. At least one inscribed copy known.
Signed copies are very scarce for the same reason. My research shows a theoretical minimum of 250 signed copies to exist, if we assume he signed only 100 copies at the University of Chicago, and 50 copies at each stop on his lecture circuit of colleges in Bozeman, Missoula, and Lewiston. Witnesses at these locations stated he stayed for extended periods of time after the lecture and freely signed books. All persons I interviewed felt this estimate was far too conservative. Tempering this estimate is the fact that no one knows how many copies of these books he signed were first editions. Signed or Inscribed copies of the book exist of the �Blue Book� out to the 16th printing, and also of the Trade Paper and �Picture Book� editions. Inscribed copies are uncommon.
�Autograph only� signed copies are usually signed on the FEP or occasionally the Half Title Page, but signed copies on the Title Page are known to exist.
Most all known inscribed copies are inscribed on the Title Page, but a few do exist inscribed on the FEP and the Half Title page.
A River Runs Through It, 'The Picture Book' The University of Chicago Press. Written by Norman Maclean and illustrated with photographs by Joel Snyder. Includes one illustration by Robert Williams.
i title page
iii title, author, and publisher page
iv copyright page
v contents
vii-viii foreword by Allen N. Fitchen
1-107 A River Runs Through It with page 2 being blank
108 blank
109-121 On the Edge of Swirls, a new chapter for this edition.
122 blank
123-124 About the Photographs, by Joel Snyder
125 Colophon page (Gift edition only)
126 blank. (Gift edition only)
The photographs (16), 15 leaves of plates, are located on the front cover or on the front dust jacket cover, and on page ii, and on separate leaves, the back page of the photographs being blank, are located between pgs. 6-7, 12-13, 22-23, 28-29, 34-35, 44-45, 54-55, 60-61, 70-71, 76-77, 82-83, 92-93, 98-99, 104-105, and one additional photograph located on the back of the dust jacket on the trade edition.
Illustration (1) on page 3 of Bunyan Bug by Robert Williams from page 86 of the original book.
The Gift Edition:
A gift edition of the title story of the author's: A River Runs Through It.
500 copies stated.
LC Control Number: 82023759
Typography and paper:
Font: Linotron Palatino. Printer: Kingsport Press on Mead Offset Dull Enamel paper.
Decorative blue endpapers with drawings of fishing flies printed in silver, with a silver and white headband. Bound by Zonne Bookbinders in dark blue woven cloth from Holliston Mills. The cover has embossed in silver lettering �Norman Maclean / A River Runs Through It / CHICAGO �on the spine and a silver embossed loop of fly and leader bordering photograph on cover. Size: H-6 5/16�, W-7 ��, D-1/2� 24 cm.
Dust jacket:
Issued without a dust jacket.
The Trade Edition:
Typography and paper:
Font: Linotron Palatino
Issued with plain gray endpapers, a blue and white headband, bound in plain dark blue woven cloth. The cover has embossed in silver lettering �Norman Maclean / A River Runs Through It / CHICAGO �on the spine.
Dust jacket:
The cover photograph from gift edition is printed on the front of the dust jacket. The back of the dust jacket has a photograph of Norman Maclean not included in the gift edition. Issued with a dust jacket of different background color for each printing,
The trade edition of this book has the same page layout as the gift edition above, ending at page 124. The dimensions are identical to the gift edition.
Copyright in 1975 Published 1983 ISBN 0-226-50058-6.
Limited �Gift� edition 1983 Quantity: 500 Price $50.00
1st Printing Trade Edition -1983 Almond colored dust jacket. Quantity: 3,800 Price $24.95
2nd Printing Trade Edition -1984 Eggshell White colored dust jacket. Quantity: unknown Price $24.95
First printing identification:
Dust Jacket: Almond colored
Copyright page: noted published 1983
A River Runs Through It, 'The Moser Edition' Pennyroyal Press. Written by Norman Maclean, Illustrated by Barry Moser.
Title page, un-numbered
Blank page, un-numbered
Title, Author, and Publisher page, un-numbered
Copyright page, un-numbered
Dedication page, un-numbered
Blank page, un-numbered
Pages 1-161, A River Runs Through It
Page 162 colophon page
The 14 Illustrations were done from end grain boxwood wood block engravings: 1 on front cover,
Pg. 5 �Paul�s Fishing Hat�, pg. 17 �Brown Quill�, pg. 29 Salmon Quill� pg. 41 �Yellow-Green Quill�, pg. 53 �Paul Maclean�, pg. 65, �Grey Quill� pg. 77 �Santa Claus Streamer�, pg. 89 Grasshopper�, pg. 101 �The Can of Worms�, pg. 113, George�s Bobcat Special�, pg. 125 �Yellow Quill� pg. 137, �Bunyan Bug Yellow Stone Fly�, and pg. 149, Norman Maclean�.
The Deluxe Edition:
6 copies stated. Deluxe copies letterpress printed, Signed by Moser and Maclean, with fourteen wood engravings by Barry Moser. Handbound in full golden-tan leather and enclosed in a linen clamshell case, which is quarter bound in the same leather. Enclosed is an additional suite of the engravings Signed by Moser, and one of the original flys, hand-tied by George Croonenberghs, (who taught Maclean the art of fly tying) which were used for 8 of the engravings. Price $6000
Dust jacket:
Issued without a dust jacket.
The Limited Edition:
200 copies stated, letterpress printed, signed by both Barry Moser and Norman Maclean. Bound in red quarter leather and marbled boards with a 2 �� x 2 11/16� front label with a black border and in Red letters A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT and a wood block printing by Barry Moser in black ink below the title, embossed on the spine in gold lettering is A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT. Binding done by Barbara Blumenthal. Black endpapers. Issued with no dust jacket. Type: Monotype Van Dijck, Paper: Mohawk Letterpress. Size H-8 5/8� W- 5 �� Price $350
Dust jacket:
Issued without a dust jacket.
Maclean initially refused to sign the original colophon page because George Croonenberghs� name was spelled incorrectly. New pages were printed and signed by Maclean 6-8 weeks before he died.
Out of Series:
1 un-numbered copy known to exist in sewn signatures, unbound.
The Trade Edition:
LC Control Number: 88038576
Published by the University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-50060-8. Issued with burnt orange endpapers and a dust jacket with a both the background reproduction of a watercolor and black ink illustration of a fly from a wood engraving done by Barry Moser. Later printings of the book dust jacket have removed the $24.95 price and the ISBN number from the inside top front flap and have added an EAN/ISBN Bar Code label on the bottom back. The text inside the dust jacket flaps is also changed to a font size larger, with slight revisions to the text. Published June, 1989
Quarter bound in Gray cloth and an off white cover with a 2 �� square red border, framing a blind- embossed raised picture of a fishing fly. 162 pages offset printed in the same typeface and contents as above. Size H-8 13/16� W-5 13/16� D-10/16� 23 cm.
Copyright in 1975 Published 1989. ISBN 0-226-50060-8
First printing quantity 5,000 Price $24.95
Printing # and Year
Deluxe and Limited editions 1989
The Trade Edition:
1 - 1989 7 - 1992
2 � 19?? 8 - 1993
3 � 19?? 9 � 199?
4 � 1990 10 � 199?
5 - 1991 11 � 199?
6 � 199? 12 � 199?
First printing identification:
Dust Jacket: ISBN number and $24.95 price on the top of the inside front flap of the dust jacket. ISBN number also present but without any bar code on the bottom of the dust jacket rear panel.
First Thus Copyright page section:
Printed in the United States of America
98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 5 4 3 2 1
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, 'Large Print Edition', Type: photon 18 Pt Crown. Hardcover, G.K. Hall & Co. Written by Norman Maclean and illustrated by Robert Williams, Dust jacket design by Robert & Marilyn Dustin. xviii, 422 pages ISBN 0-3161-6398-7 1976.
Illustrations here are in a different order and different location, than the standard �blue book� edition, pgs 1, 120, 167, 188, 203, 225, 241, 249, 323, & 419. 24cm.
LC Control Number 76020484
The increased size of the illustrations in this edition make me wish those in the original edition were done in this size.
Printing # and Year
Dust jacket:
Issued with a dust jacket.
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, 'The 25th Anniversary Edition', University of Chicago Press Written by Norman Maclean. ISBN: 0-226-50072-1
With a new foreword by E. Anne Proulx
i Title page
iii Title, author, and publisher page
iv copyright page
v dedication page
vii contents
ix-xvi new foreword by Annie Proulx
xvii-xxii acknowledgments
pages ii, vi, and viii are blank
A River Runs Through It, pages 1-104
Logging and Your Pal Jim, pgs 105-123
page 124 is blank
USFS 1919: The Ranger, the Cook, and a Hole in the Sky, pgs 125-217
page 218 is blank
The 10 black on white illustrations for this edition were done in scratchboard by Robert Williams , and are located on the pgs 1, 62, 86, 97, 105, 116, 125, 129, 166, & 215. The front dust jacket cover illustration is done by Dugald Stermer and the rear dust jacket inner flap photograph is by V.C. Wald.
The book has green and white headbands. The end papers are a dark forest green. The cover is of woven insect green cloth on the spine and eggshell white paper over remainder of the hardboard covers and has the following: � A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT AND OTHER STORIES | NORMAN MACLEAN | chicago�, embossed in gold on the spine of the book.
Dust jacket:
Matte cream-yellow background on white paper. Front: Brown lettering: top: TWENTY FIFTH/ ANNIVERSARY /EDITION and a solar type symbol with the number 25 in the center. Upper center: A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT / and Other Stories. center: Illustration of fly in gold green and brown. Lower portion: NORMAN MACLEAN/ FOREWORD BY ANNIE PROULX.
Printing # and Year
1 - 2001
2 - 2003
3 - 2004
4 - 2005
The American Softcover Editions
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, Trade Paperback Edition, University of Chicago Press Written by Norman Maclean and illustrated by Robert Williams. April 1979 ISBN 0-22650057-8.
Contents and illustrations are identical to 'the blue book'
The 1st through the 17th printings have the "River" cover, a photograph by John B. Roberts, covering the entire exterior front and back of the wraps. Starting with the 18th printing a new cover was on this edition of the book, with a picture of the oil painting "Evening Fishing" by Russell Chatham, of Livingston, Montana on the front cover. The book reviews formerly on the inside front and back of the wraps, are now on the back cover.
Printing # and Year
1 - 1979 7 � 19?? 13 � 198? 19 - 1992
2 � 1979 8 � 19?? 14 � 1986 20 - 1992
3 � 1979 9 � 19?? 15 - 1988 21 - 1992
4 � 1979 10 � 19?? 16 - 1989 22 - 1992
5 � 1979 11 � 198? 17 � 1991
6 - 1979 12 � 1984 18 � 199?
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, Large Print Edition, Large Trade Paperback. G.K. Hall & Co. Written by Norman Maclean, and illustrated by Robert Williams. ISBN 0-8161-5735-9
Issued with the "Evening Fishing" Russ Chatham cover. Xvi, 310 pgs, with pages 311-320 blank.
$16.95 24cm
LC Control Number 92044607
Printing # and Year
1-1993 currently out of print
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, 'Pocket Books Edition' The �Movie tie in edition� paperback ISBN 0-671-77697-5 cover art from the Columbia pictures film. xiv, 237 Pages No illustrations. 18cm
LC Control Number: 93184126
Printing # and Year
1st Printing -1992
14 printings known, no printing dates provided for each subsequent printing
Currently out of print
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, 'The 25th Anniversary Edition', University of Chicago Press Written by Norman Maclean. ISBN: 0-226-50066-7
With a new foreward by E. Anne Proulx
Size: H 8.42� x W5.54� x D.68�
Printing # and Year
1 � 2001
2 - 2003
3 - 200?
The Movie Screenplay
A River Runs Through It, �Bringing A Classic To The Screen� Written by Richard Friedenberg, Introduction By: Robert Redford. 8� x 10� 189 pp. trade paper with blue endpapers ISBN 0-944439-50-0 The Clark City Press, Livingston, MT MSRP $16.00 1992 LC 92-72074
While the screenplay is based upon the book, it is different and contains things both included and not included in the book.
The AudioBook Editions
A River Runs Through It, �Audio Book Cassette Edition� Written by Norman Maclean, Read By: Ivan Doig. ISBN 0-939643-41-3 The Audio Press, 1992. Niwot, CO; 3 cassettes, 4 hours, MSRP $24.95
A River Runs Through It, �Audio Book CD� Written by Norman Maclean, Read By: David Manis. ISBN 978-1615731121 HighBridge Company, 2010. 8 hours, 7 CD's MSRP $26.95
USFS 1919: The Ranger the Cook and a Hole in the Sky, �Audio Book Cassette Edition� Written by Norman Maclean, Read By: John Maclean. ISBN 0939643588 Northsound Music Group, 1994. 8 hours, 3 Cassettes 4 hours MSRP $22.95
Some Other English Language Printings:
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Maclean, Norman; Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, BC 1989. ISBN 0-88894-646-5. Trade Paper. 217pp.
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Maclean, Norman F.; Peters,
Sally (editor) Richmond Hill, ON, Canada: Distican, Incorporated, 1992 Mass
Market Paperback. ISBN 0-67177-697-5
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Maclean, Norman; Picador Press, London, 1990. The first UK edition. Hardcover Stg 11.95
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Maclean, Norman; Pan Books, London 1993 Paperback 5 1/4" x 7 3/4". ISBN 0330318632
Some Non-English Printings:
The book has been printed in 11 languages other than English.
La rivi�re du sixi�me jour Paris 1977. Editions Tierce Deux Temps. First French edition. Format: Broch�: 147p. ISBN 2903144753
La rivi�re du sixi�me jour Paris 1977. Editions Rivages. Format: poche. 175p. ISBN 2743601957
Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Flu�. Gro�druck.
Fischer Taschenbuch,
Frankfurt, 233 s. ISBN 3-596-14531-7, EAN 9783596145317.
Aug.1999 Hardcover / Paperback
Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Flu�.
Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt. ISBN 3-596-11848-4, EAN 9783596118489
Paperback. 190 s. 13 Wood engravings, (German movie tie in paperback)
Der Ranger, der Koch und ein Loch im Himmel.
Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt, 191 s., 1995. ISBN 3-596-12733-5
El Rio de la Vida
Muchnik Editores SA, Barcelona. 327 pp., 21 cm. 1993 ISBN 84-7669-180-7
traducido del ingl�s por Ana Poljak
A very special thank you to the following people who have assisted in providing information to this bibliography: Robert Williams, Barry Moser, Cara Moser, & Duke Hill, Sylvia Hecimovich, Barbara Hanrahan, Penny Kaiserlian, and last, but not the least, Allen Fitchen.
Some Images
Figure 1: First Edition Dust Jacket Cover.
Figure 2: Left: First Edition Second Printing dust jacket front flap ($7.95 price and 2nd printing at bottom of flap) Center: First Edition First Printing dust jacket front flap ($7.95 price only) Right: Typical signed copy on FFEP.
Figure 3: 'The Blue Book' dust jacket rear evolving between the 1st and 19th printings.
Figure 4: A digital image of an rare inscription by Norman Maclean.
Figure 5: The copyright page of the First Edition, First Printing.
Figure 6: The Hard Cover Editions.
Top Left: 'The Blue Book' Top Center: 'The Pennyroyal Press Limited Edition' Top Right: 'The Moser Edition'. Bottom Left: The GK Hall Large Print Edition Bottom Center: 'The Picture Book' - Gift Edition Bottom Right: 'The Picture Book' - Trade Edition.
Figure 7: Left: 'The Audio Book' Right: 'The 25th Anniversary Edition'
Figure 8: The Paperback Editions.
Left: 'The Movie Screenplay Book' Top Center: The Second Trade Paper Cover Top Right: 'The Pocketbooks Edition'. Bottom Center: The Original Trade Paper Cover Bottom Right: The Large Print Trade Paper Edition.